Monday, May 12, 2008

Self reflect, I should.

Honestly, do I really have the I-am-a-bitch-full-stop look?

I am pretty sure it is not the way I looked because some people actually commented that I look sweet. Okie. Choke all you want Lil Boy.

Now that I even quit smoking, I am pretty sure I don’t look like a bitch. Don’t get me wrong. I do not associate smoking with bitches. Just that I realized lots of people does. They stereotyped smokers, especially girl smokers.

So, it must be the way I talked. It is my sarcasms? Or is it my thunder-loud voice? Or the way I say it? Or how I snapped at others?

At times, I am simply being cheeky. At times, I can’t help sounding louder than I am supposed to. At time, I am having a bad mood. At times, I am simply being frank. Sigh.

I’m not a bitch. I am difficult I admit. But I am not a bitch.

Self reflect, I should.

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