But today I’m being driven around in a local car,
Perhaps tomorrow, I’ll be seeing wonders of the world,
But today I’m seeing wonders of Penang,
Perhaps tomorrow, I’ll inherit millions of dollars,
But today I’m making a living all by myself,
Perhaps tomorrow, I’ll be able to wash the dishes, clean the table,
But today I've got him to do the honor,
Perhaps tomorrow, I’ll be spoilt with designer goods,
But today I’ve decent clothing to put on everyday,
Perhaps tomorrow, we’ll be skipping round Disneyland Florida,
But today we’ll skips around Disneyland Hong Kong,
Perhaps tomorrow, we’ll be cuddling inside while it snows outside,
But today we’ll just cuddle while the air con is blasting,
Perhaps tomorrow, we’ll quarrel less and appreciate each other more,
But today we’ll just laughed ourselves silly over what we’ve quarrel about.
Yesterday is History.Tomorrow is a Mystery, and Today is a gift.
That's why we call it the Present.

Life is not a race, but a journey to be savored each step of the way.